Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

What a fun Halloween this year. Emily really got it this year! She was pumped for trick or treating and knew just what to do. I think it is important to know that my kids are pretty much on a routine. It's the same for the most part daily. Michael takes a three hr nap and Emily sometimes takes a long nap too and sometimes doesn't. If she doesn't she is in bed around 7:30. Around 5pm without fail my little ones get cranky, eat dinner, get cleaned up, have a little play time and are in bed by 7:30-8. Michael is especially fond of his routine. So today should be no different right? WRONG! Today, of all days, he slept for maybe, mayyyybe 15-20 minutes. Fantastic! Of course Michael wanted no part in dressing up, going to a party, or trick or treating. I managed to get his costume on, get some pictures that are Highlarious! and get him to stroll for a little bit to trick or treat. The costume lasted maybe 5 minutes but at least it was on.

We went to our neighborhood Halloween party and it was so fun. Lots of food, a bouncy house, which Emily actually got in! PROGRESS! (She has refused any type of bouncy house up until today and she initiated it!) Here are a few pictures.

We went out to trick or treat at 6 because I knew Michael wouldn't make it any further. Our first house, our neighbor, gave Emily a bunch of bows. Bless her heart. I had told her she rings the bell, says trick or treat, and then she gets candy. First house she gets bows. Look at her expression. HA! I, on the other hand, wish all houses gave out bows! SCORE! We hit about fifteen houses then headed home so they could go to bed. Michael leaped into his crib and has been out since 7:15. Poor thing. Maybe next year will be better.

Jake was out with friends until 9:15 and came home with a pillowcase full of treats. What temptation! He had a blast!

A side note and vent: If you are a teen and you are trick or treating could you please give it some effort, ie, WEAR a costume! I had teens with regular clothes and they said they were: 1. Their name 2. a robber 3. a hobo 4. gangster 5. student....come on. One dum dum for you for lack of trying....your lucky you didn't get a chicken bullion cube...which I had out but felt too bad doing. Maybe next year. Even better, trick or treat for UNICEF. That's what I did in high school.

Ok, so Happy Halloween....go raid the stash!

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