Monday, October 4, 2010

The Weekend Update-It's Fall Y'all

So this weekend was bitter. Not even bitter sweet...well maybe a little. Friday evening we went out to eat and walked around the mall a little. They have a soft play scape for little kids to play and burn off steam while parents rest from shopping. Emily has played in there before and really likes it but this was Michael's first time now that he is toddling. He LOVED it! I looked in our diaper bag a boo the camera wasn't in there. But trust me he was precious! He was so happy to walk around with other kids and play. He just smiled and smiled. Later that night after the two tiny ones went to bed we played board games with the older two. Guessure was hysterical. They essential act out the word on the card and the other person has to guess before time is up. Jake was so funny. He did "propose" for porpoise. Ahahah! We laughed a lot during that game. Jonathan is really good at it. We also played trivial pursuit too. Jonathan won that game also. Our usual game is UNO but we didn't even get to it before it was already midnight. We had to call it a night. Here are some pics of the boys being boys.

Saturday was my bitter sad day! Jonathan went back to his dad's house and I cried. I starting crying the night before. Cried pretty much off and on all day Saturday too. To top it off the dawgs lost. Love the team but they are sucking this year. Sunday was a better day. Took the kids to church and the homily was amazing. Just what I needed to hear. I felt like everyone was looking at me as I sat there a cried. It is amazing how God knows exactly what you need to hear when you need to hear it. I hope I can always hear Him even when he whispers.
This morning was busy! Jake has testing all week so I am waking him up earlier so he can sulk, eat a better than normal breakfast, and be ready for testing first thing. Michael decided he wanted to get up too and woke up at 6:30 roaring to go. We had a moms fellowship breakfast at Emily's school this morning so Emily went to childcare with all her friends from her class, and Michael went to nursery. We had to leave early because Emily had ballet. When I got her she cried. She didn't want to leave her friends or school. I hope she always loves school. She was fine by the time we got to ballet. She did ballet feet, walked on her tip toes, did little leaps, danced with ribbon and pony sticks. They also do a devotional with the girls. Her class is at a church here and I really love this church. It's huge but so warm and inviting. She loves ballet there. Thank goodness. I am glad to get a girly girl with all these boys in the house. When class is over she normally gets a sticker or a stamp. She loves when she gets a stamp. Here is her stamp from today.

Looking forward to some mexican food tonight with the moms in Emily's preschool class. It's always nice to have a little mom time. :) Here are some more pictures from the weekend. Enjoy.

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